
The Parish

Visit the parish church website for the latest newsletter.
Church Address St Joseph's Church
96 Queen Street
Newton Abbot TQ12 2ET
Contact number  (01626) 365231
Email newtonabbot@prcdtr.org.uk
Accessibility Disabled access; hearing loop
Father Anthony 
Father Victor
Rev Paul Hewson (Deacon)
Rev Tim Van Kroonenburg (Deacon)
Clergy Address The Presbytery
96 Queen Street
Newton Abbot TQ12 2ET
Clergy number (01626) 365231
Service Times (Please call to confirm)  M. Sat 1st M Sun: 6.00pm, Sun: 10.30am and 6.00pm
Hds: 10.00am and 7.00pm
Confession: Sat: 10.30am - 11.30am; after 11.00am M Wed