



St Joseph's has a part to play in the Government's counter-terrorism strategy - called PREVENT. 


The Devon and Torbay Prevent Partnership consists of agencies working together to identify ways of preventing people becoming terrorists or supporting violent extremism. Terrorism can be motivated by a range of ideologies or other factors, including religious or political beliefs and racial prejudice. In Devon extreme right wing groups and single issue groups can pose a significant threat. 


You can make a difference by sharing any concerns you may have about individuals or groups you meet at work, socially or in any other context. Strong evidence shows that an intervention can stop someone supporting violent terrorism. We all have a role in ensuring that our communities remain safe. 


More information can be found on the following websites:








If you see or suspect something, you can report it by phoning the confidential Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321 or email [email protected]