
Pupil Chaplains

Meet Our Wonderful Pupil Chaplains: 

The Chaplaincy team meet at least once a week and are led by Deacon Tim and Deborah van Kroonenberg. They are an asset to our school and it is a role many younger children aspire to. They are good role models for the younger pupils in our school.

To become a Pupil Chaplain, children in year 4 are invited to write an application form, detailing why they think they would be suitable. They are then formally interviewed by Deacon Tim, Deborah and Mrs. Pascoe. 

The roles of a Pupil Chaplain include the preparation and planning of whole school collective worship. Delivering class Prayer and Worship, leading prayers and reflections in assemblies and Liturgical events, supporting charities and fundraising events. Helping to forge links between School and Parish. 

During our Leavers Mass in July 2023, we thanked and bid farewell to our retiring Chaplains who had served the school community so well over the last two years. It was a very special moment to recognise the gifts and talents that the children have used in the service of others.

Our current Pupil Chaplains were commissioned by Father Mark, during our Welcome Mass in September 2023.  This was a lovely moment in the service to welcome and encourage the gifts the new team will bring.  You will know who the Chaplains are in our school as they will be wearing their yellow GIFT hoodies. This is to recognise the special role that they play and for other children to be able to identify older children who can support them.